Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kindergarten Alphabet

(A)pple starts with A

(B)ear tarts with B

(C)ar starts with C

(D)rifting starts with D

(E)lephant starts with E

(F)rog starts with F

(G)ray starts with G

(H)ouse starts with H

(I)ce starts with I

(J)ack starts with J

(K)indergarten starts with K

(L)ion starts with L

(M)om starts with M

(N)ice starts with N

(O)ctopus starts with O

(P)anda starts with P

(Q)uotes starts with Q

(R)ecipes starts with R

(S)nowboard starts with S

(T)v Starts with T

(U)rban starts with U

(V)an starts with V

(W)orld starts with W

(X)box starts with X

(Y)oung starts with Y

(Z)ap starts with Z

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